Hello all, well it's been a rollercoaster mixed week of emotions, there have been definite highs and definite low points. I found out that a renter had stolen artwork and almost all my furniture, depressing. I tried to come up with a list of more depressing things that could be stolen to make myself feel better No 1. My dogs, if someone took them that would be heartbreaking and after that it became about things and while you can take objects, you can't take memories so that's what I'm taking away from this experience. It's unfortunate that people can't respect other people's belongings but I'm staying positive. There's still a chance (slim)that they may be returned.
The high's this week have been meeting up with old friends who moved up to Colorado, celebrating 6 year's of marriage and if that wasn't enough, a very big bit of news that I don't want to reveal just yet but it's very exciting for the Desiree B. brand.
This little ray of sunshine came to visit and was rewarded with his own bear. |
I love a bit of wool plaid, vintage and Ralph Lauren no less. |
Always look on the bright side of life. |
More high's I found THE most fabulous plaid skirts while thrifting, couldn't believe my luck. Can't wait to use them in a project. Been working on a Mother's Day Card, I know in the UK it's already happened but not so this side of the pond. I've signed on for another Last Saturday's at SEED and a Cinco De Mayo at OC Mart. Two very good reasons why I should deinstall bejewelled from my Ipad, so distracting I've even written a motivational message to myself on a chalk board but since I just spent 10 mins looking for a bloomin' hole puncher and still haven't found it, it's not quite having the galvanising effect... Back to work.
The dog is cute!